Click the button to generate a list of Top 10 Services commonly offered by this type of business.
Add information about your business in the text form and click "Generate Services List"
Content creation tools from Neighborhood Postcards require only a few bits of information about your business. After you add the business type & location, the tool generates 2-3 sentences to describe your business in an effective and professional way. It is a good starting point as you think of content to put on your postcards and other marketing materials.
The content is generated by a large language model that uses deep learning algorithms to produce human-like text.
Always check the output for accuracy. Many times we are pleasantly surprised by the quality of the writing. Our design services team frequently uses these tools as a starting point.
It is free for all users of Neighborhood Postcards.
We’d love to build a solution that works for you and/or point you in the right direction. Please reach out to our support team and describe what you are looking for.
The front side of the postcard is designed to grab attention, the reverse side typically does the hard work. This is where you have the opportunity to describe your business, add reviews, the list of services and a strong offer.
Create content that is skimmable and addresses some of the key questions your audience might have after viewing the front of the postcard. Frequently, top-of-mind questions are “Can this business help me with X?”, “Can I trust them?”, “How are they better than others?”, “Are there any special offers?”, “Where do I go to learn more?”
Here are other tools and services you might find useful
Use our intuitive map to select your target neighborhood and see the approximate mailing area.
Select from a variety of templates. Specifically designed for simplicity and effectiveness.
If you already have full images to upload, skip the app, and use our Order Express Lane.
Don't know where to begin? Use our Design Services and have your mailing ready in days.