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Type the address into the search box below to see the potential mailing area.

Type an address into the search box to look up a mailing list.

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Our Pricing

Not all direct mail is created equal

Our all-in pricing is as low as 78 cents per postcard and includes Mailing List Lookup, Setup Costs, Postcard Printing, Premium, 14pt Glossy Paper, Protective UV Coating, Address Validation, Expedited Shipping, Detailed Shipment Tracking, USPS First Class Postage, Taxes, Shipping & Handling Fees

Our Products
Neighborhood Postcards
Many Others
What this means
Delivery Speed ✓ 5-7 Days from Placing the Order 14+ Days from Placing the Order Automation allows us to review and submit your postcards to production quicker than others
Postage ✓ First Class (default) Standard Postage (Marketing Mail) With First Class mail, your postcards are prioritized to be delivered as soon as possible
Paper Quality ✓ 14pt, 120# thick, cover stock 10pt, 100# paper(or thinner) to save on costs The postcards feel thicker and more professional, showcasing your business
Coating ✓ Protective UV Coating (default) No coating, or available at extra cost The postcards look shiny and less likely to smudge during the USPS sorting process
Tracking ✓ Yes, we track every postcard and send updates Often tracking is only available upon request We know where your postcards are in the mailing stream and can accurately predict the arrival date
Address Data ✓ Addresses are included in the price & re-verified during fulfillment Others may charge extra for an address list Address lists and address verification is included. The price you see is the price you will be charged at the end
Environmental Impact ✓ All of our paper is SFI Certified Others may use cheap paper to save costs The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) is a certification program that verifies products from sustainably managed forests.